Far-right Europe Election: Who votes for EU leadership

Far-right Europe Election: Who votes for EU leadership

You all know that the Labor Party won the British elections, but you may not know that the hard-line anti-immigration right-wing party For Right Reform UK came third in these elections. To prevent the anti-immigration far-right party National Rally from gaining an overall majority, many parties fought against it, otherwise, it would have formed the government there, the whole of Europe. Over time, the popularity of anti-patriotic extreme right-wing parties has increased.

Far-right Europe Election Who votes for EU leadership
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In this article, you will see why sentiments against the arrival of immigrants are growing in Europe and how it will affect your life.

What is right-wing and left-wing in politics?

Many countries, including the Netherlands, Hungary, Belgium, and Italy, have been governed by parties that take a hardline stance on immigration, especially Muslims. Coming to Europe for a better life,

Let's find the answer to this question in a little while, but first, let's see what is meant by far-right or extreme right-wing and left-wing political parties. And they are hardline. Such political parties are against multiculturalism and their economic and social policies are also nationalistic. A nation is popular with a religion or ethnic group,

In contrast, left-wing or liberal parties believe in political and economic justice and equality. Why do you vote for them? Most of them say they do it as a protest, so what are they angry about and what do they feel threatened by?

What are the rights of immigrants?

Earlier in Europe, we used to see that there was freedom of expression regarding religion, people used to talk yesterday, but for some time now, we have had this problem that if Muslims do not like something about Islam, then it is an Incident of violence also occur, and political leaders of the far-right highlight this fear of the people in their speeches, because one of the characteristics of the far-right is populism, that is, they talk about what people want to hear.

Far-right supporters also object that immigrants work for low wages, cause economic damage to local people, and that immigrants are a burden on the country's other civic facilities, including health, education, and transportation, these are the reasons why extremist parties are becoming the first choice of people in many European countries.

In the recent election of Great Britain, Nijh al-Farage's Reform has emerged as the third largest party in UK votes. 89 candidates for Reform have been second in their constituencies in the recent elections of the European Parliament. has grown in popularity,

Far-right Europe Election Who votes for EU leadership
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What is the French far left?

In France, the National Rally of the Far Right won a surprise victory in the European Parliament elections, which led President Macro to hold snap elections in which the National Rally emerged as the largest party in the first round, but did not win in the second round. Just as in Germany, the far-right AfD won more seats than Chancellor Olaf Schuys's party in the European Parliament elections. ,

Who is the Dutch politician against Muslims?

In the Harlands, the anti-immigration and anti-Muslim politician Gate Leaders has emerged as the country's largest party and its coalition has formed a government. What can be the impact on the future of the immigrant population? can be

A fundamental part of his theory is that the blame for the economic crises of the society should be placed on the head of the middle, and that when such bias increases in goods, the owners A justification is found to further reduce their remuneration.

What is the role of the political system?

In Europe, Hitler and the Nazi party's extreme far-right narrow-minded and racist ideas have resulted in the Second World War. Now after many decades, this idea is becoming popular again. False figures are being presented and certain communities are being blamed for all the problems. And important political parties are also in the field and maybe the situation will never be like Nazi Germany. Still, one fact is clear and that is that the way the problem is going, the arrival of immigrants to Europe will become more and more difficult.

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