Can we change how our brains age?

Can we change how our brains age?

We all know that our health is directly related to our lifestyle and food, but no matter how good the lifestyle is, eventually the old man becomes blind. say,

Can we change how our brains age
Change how our brains age

Can I make my brain younger?

Experts emphasize increasing social interaction because without these nights, a person becomes lonely and as a result, his brain starts to shrink. The least that can be done is to determine if we and our brains are the same age or if the brain is ageing faster than the body.

The advantage of this is that by detecting such people, they can be treated in a timely and better way in the future. Diagnostics are evolving more meaningful and can be significantly assisted by artificial intelligence or AI and large data or vast databases,

How is technology rewiring our brains?

Experts at the University of Southern California in the United States have developed computer models that can predict the ageing process in the brain and predict when our mental abilities will begin to decline. The data or information obtained from the scans and processed with the help of artificial intelligence can be used to determine which brains are ageing at the rate of their natural age and which are developing dementia over time. first posed,

How is AI used in MRI?

These models employ highly detailed brain scans invisible to the human eye, easily detected by artificial intelligence, and can be detected in advance with greater certainty than ever before. Based on which person's mind is going through which condition, not only timely and correct treatment can be started, but it can also be known immediately whether the treatment is having an effect or not. Because of the increase in the average age of man over the last 200 years, diseases that are caused by ageing have also increased, such as dementia,

How lifestyle can affect health?

Experts are trying to delay such diseases. The role of new research and modern technology is certainly important in keeping us healthy, but nothing is more important than a healthy lifestyle. Brain ageing depends on good food, physical and mental activity and happiness. At that exact time, relaxing bedtime is the basic requirement for the health of the body and mind. You know that good sleep improves performance and lack of sleep worsens work. During sleep, our brain cleans harmful substances from itself. including substances that cause Alzheimer's,

Research on animals exposed to winter for several months shows that during this time, new neurons or cells are produced in their brains and broken connections between brain cells are restored. There are I that make this process of making new neurons possible in humans. It can be seen that the treatment is having some benefit or not, the quest to always stay young or at least look young shows that the person has not yet despaired.

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